not bad, i dig it. it's simple, and it would have been nice if the percussion was panned out more. i can tell this is the start of somethin cool. keep it up.
not bad, i dig it. it's simple, and it would have been nice if the percussion was panned out more. i can tell this is the start of somethin cool. keep it up.
at first i was like HHHNNNGGGG TOO MUCH COMPRESSION but then you started doing cool things and i was like ok. still gotta turn the compression down a bit. timing is key with this sort of thing, like with skips rolls, reverses and the like. you do alot o tricks on time, but you miss the tempo on alot of others. i dig it alot, though. keep up the good work.
thank you vaib!
better than everything ive ever done on a korg...
at first you're like meh.. but then it grows on you. it's dreamy and dinky in a cool way, like walking into a sunset. the composition aint so hot, but then again, it's on a korg.
it's bloody hard to compose on a korg.
definitely can't do that
i really enjoyed it. i love me some DnB, and you're clearly just showing off here but i thoroughly enjoyed it nonetheless. your mastering needs some work though, there were numerous times where the high ranges overloaded and hurt my ears really bad, particularly @ 1:24 to 1:32. other then that, pretty awesome.
i dig it alot. great feeling, nice execution, good transitions. the guy below me is right about that high hat tho
feels good man
over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000 over 9000
ha wow
this is the only piece i've heard come out of that contest that i haven't utterly hated, and i friggin like it. i'd give ya a ten if it were a little louder and if it had a little more variation.
lol thanks! yah I don't know why my stuff is so quiet cause in logic it sounds fine but when I export it, it's quiet >:( idk
thanks for the review! and wow 2 reviews in under 5 minutes!
great track man. your mixin needs some work though. vox are too loud, for one thing. everything else is pretty good though, especially the lyrics! heellla good lyrics.
thank you man i do appreciate it. like i said, this is just a rough draft so to speak. i will work on the mixing though, good looks.
its a good start
i recommend fading in the synth as a transition from the keys to the synth. i get the impression here that you want the melody to stand out, but your percussion execution distracts from the melody BIG time. your clap pattern simple absorbs too much attention away from your melodies. keep it up! i look forward to hearing the final version.
Read my author comment.
mind = blown.
o hai
Age 36, Male
Azorius Guildmage
Joined on 6/25/09